
Cleaning the quartz glass components correctly has a big impact on how they perform during their use.

Our final cleaning takes place in a special ISO 6 clean room that meets all the manufacturer’s demands. This means that the increasingly demanding requirements for cleanliness can be met in full.

We also offer the cleaning, refurbishing and repairing of already used quartz glass components. As a special service, we are offering to clean the components for direct use in the system, which is known as “ready to install – R.T.I.”.

WONIK Quartz Europe cleaning of quartz glass products

Our long-standing experience combined with a focus on the highest possible quality makes us the right contact for you.


The satisfaction and trust of our customers are among the most important corporate goals. We rely on our certified integrated management system for this.

Other advantages

Belonging to the WONIK Group not only brings advantages to WQE through the constant exchange of knowledge, but also guarantees security of supply for our customers through the branches around the world.